10 Absolutely Essential Tips for Building a Successful Career

At NCG, Inc we believe that building a successful and enjoyable career is a significant factor in having a happy life. Here in Trumbull, we provide our team members with many of the tools they need to grow in a professional capacity — mentorship, continuous training, networking opportunities, and a clear path for advancement. Whether a person has NCG, Inc in mind for a thriving long-term career, or she uses her employment with us as a springboard for future business opportunities, we strive to provide value to all who join our team. Here we’ve gathered 10 of our favorite quotes with some common themes: perseverance, work ethic, a no-excuses mentality, preparation, goal-setting, and growth.

1. Don’t give up, even if you’re struggling.

“Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.” -Julie Andrews

2. Sometimes you have to just get to work.

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” -Stephen King


3. The only way to grow is to step outside your comfort zone.

“Our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” -M. Scott Peck

4. Give up excuses and focus on your own choices.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” -Stephen Covey

5. Talent is overrated, it’s all about the preparation.

“The harder I practice, the luckier I get.” -Gary Player

6. Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people.

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too can become great.” -Mark Twain

7. Stop worrying about what others are doing.

“When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there.” -Cecil Selig

8. Continuous learning and growth will make your goals a reality.

“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” – Jim Rohn

9. Be ready to pay your dues and set yourself up for the future.

“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.” -Tony Robbins

10. The only real “security” is investing in your own development.

“Most people never feel secure because they are always worried that they will lose their job, lose the money they already have, lose their spouse, lose their health, and so on. The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way, that you are increasing the caliber of who you are and that you are valuable to your company, your friends, and your family.” -Tony Robbins

If you’ve enjoyed our collection of quotes and business lessons, you’ll find a great deal more on our curated LinkedIn feed. Check it out!


3 Pearls of Wisdom You’ll Need if You Want to Be Successful

The management training program at NCG, Inc is a great way to learn about business — but it’s also a great way to learn about life. Here are some pearls of wisdom that our management trainees in Trumbull, CT have picked up:

1. You’ll never change whatever you make excuses about.
“It’s not my fault, it’s my upbringing… genes… family… past… friends… emotional issues… busy schedule… the weather… the economy…” Making excuses is an extremely self-sabotaging habit. Every time you make an excuse, it takes you farther and farther away from your goal.

Think about it: while an excuse takes you off the hook in the short term, it does nothing for your end game. If you want to actually make positive changes in your life, you absolutely must be honest with yourself about where you need improvement.

shutterstock_184561676It’s time to look yourself in the mirror and be honest about whether you’re giving 100% or making excuses. At NCG, Inc we believe that the moment you decide to own up to your actions is the moment you start moving forwards instead of backwards. Ditching excuses is a non-negotiable part of earning success in your career.

“You can have results or excuses. Not both.”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

2. Make your integrity your calling card.
There are few things more important in life and in business than integrity. Doing the right thing is everything. It’s also a quality that will immediately set you apart from the majority.

There is a tremendous difference between doing what’s right when it’s convenient or being publicly acknowledged — versus doing the right thing when it’s a hassle or when no one is looking. Integrity is not only a character trait, but it’s a decision that each of us must make every single time we are faced with a challenging situation. “How do I want to handle this… the easy way, or the right way?”

“Would you want to do business with a person who was 99% honest?”
-Sydney Madwed

3. Don’t stop working on yourself.
It happens to all of us: we work really hard, earn some success, ride the wave, get comfortable… and stop learning. Life gets busy and sometimes it doesn’t feel like there’s enough time to eat breakfast, let alone worry about self-improvement.

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I really should read more,” “I’d love to learn how to play the piano,” “I wish I knew how to ballroom dance,” “I’d love to be able to run a half marathon”… and then just as quickly as you fantasized about your new skills, you dismissed them, telling yourself that you can’t afford the time or the money. One of the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former see self-development as a priority. When is the last time you expanded your horizons and learned something new?

“Every year, I take on a personal challenge to learn new things and grow outside my work at Facebook. My challenges in recent years have been to read two books every month, learn Mandarin and meet a new person every day.”
-Mark Zuckerberg

Success is rarely a coincidence. The better you become at putting these words of wisdom into action, the greater your chances are of reaching your goals.

NCG, Inc is on Twitter and we’d love to connect! Follow us @NCGIncMarketing.

You’ll Never Be Successful Unless You Can Master This One Thing

There’s one key habit you’ll need if you want to make the most out of anything in life.

shutterstock_248863174The management training program here at NCG, Inc in Trumbull is centered around preparing our participants for a successful career in business. The topic of this blog post is one we discuss frequently at our firm, and something we consider crucial for any professional in any field.

:  What differentiates the people who earn above average success from those who fall in the middle? Why do some people become total rockstars in their fields and others remain totally unknown? Why do some entrepreneurs run thriving businesses while others struggle to pay the bills? Why are some individuals constantly growing and improving while others are stagnant? There’s an answer that is all-encompassing and actually quite simple. Are you ready for it?

Answer:  Successful people do the things unsuccessful people don’t want to do. Successful people don’t want to do them either but they do them anyway.

BAM! You can take a moment to take that one in!

We’d argue that those 2 sentences contain the key to success in any aspect of life.

By nature, human beings steer clear of anything that is uncomfortable, anxiety-producing, difficult, or painful in one way or another. While perhaps this makes sense from a biological evolutionary perspective, avoiding “pain” is actually one of the worst things a person can do in life. Why? Because often, the right thing to do is actually the hardest.

Most people don’t feel like waking up extra early in the morning to exercise before work; yet, this would be a healthy habit for any individual to establish. Most people don’t particularly enjoy going to the dentist; but, doing so prevents unnecessary tooth decay. Most people would rather not put on sunscreen at the beach, but the SPF helps prevent skin cancer.

Perhaps you noticed that there was a common coupling of words in the previous paragraph. “Most people.” The majority of the population feels a certain way about uncomfortable tasks, but only a small minority pushes past those feelings in order to do what is best for him or her. So, it goes without saying that if you want to achieve “above average” success, you have to be willing to do the things that most people are not.

So the next time you are fretting about whether you should take the extra time to plan your week even though you’d rather be watching Orange is the New Black; or the next time you stay late at the office helping your team instead of meeting your friends for happy hour; or the next time you move your paycheck into a savings account instead of spending it on a new outfit… stop and ask yourself if you’d be happy having the average success that most people have.

We invite you to take this on as a personal challenge. The next time you are struggling with the decision to do something difficult, go ahead and tell myself “that is exactly why I should do it.” Tell yourself, “most people wouldn’t do this, so that is exactly why I will!

Let us know how it goes!

NCG, Inc is on Twitter and we’d love to connect! Follow us @NCGIncMarketing.

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: The 7 Most Critical Habits for your 20’s

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is committed to providing development for our people inside and outside of the work place. The professional success of our people is just as important to us as their personal success as well. So, we reviewed this article from http://www.uncer30ceo.com that was all about the habits that people can form in their 20’s to build a solid foundation for their future.

“Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” Aristotle

When we think about our 20’s, it’s supposed to be the most fun and important decade of our lives. We begin to experience the world and to develop habits that will either positively or negatively impact our future. Living in the present is essential to enjoying life, but it’s also important to not forget about the future too.

Warren Buffet, in his speech at The Nebraska Forum in 1999, mentions that the two most important things you can develop as a young adult to reach your full potential are: education and habits. Education helps unlock your potential and habits are what keep you reaching the next level. He says to think about the person who you admire and to think about hte person you dislike the most in your life. Then, write down a list of qualities on a piece of paper for each person that you can look at everyday. The solution is simple, emulate the person you admire and avoid the qualities of the person you dislike.

But, why are habits so important? Well, Duke University researchers published a paper in 2006 that showed that more than 40% of the actions performed each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits. Habits are nothing more than the choices we make everyday. At some point, we stop thinking about these choices and they become second nature, so, a habit.

Here are the seven most critical habits you can develop in your 20’s to ensure a solid foundation and a bright future!

1. Intentionally Experiment
Society perceives that people in their 20’s should be figuring out what to do with their lives. So, doing things like taking AP classes, going to college, get a high-paying job with benefits, climb the ladder, and retire at 65. The only problem with that is that it doesn’t guarantee true happiness and fulfillment. Your 20’s is a time to experiment, get to know more about yourself, and figure out the kind of person that you want to be. So, experiment and find out where each and every opportunity takes you and see what aligns with your interests.

2. Be Grateful.
Young adults want things, and want them now. Gratitude is about shifting your focus from what your life lacks to what you currently have. It makes people more resilient, improves health, and reduces stress. People who practice gratitude tend to be more creative, bounce back faster from adversity, have a stronger immune system, and have stronger social relationships than the people who don’t practice gratitude. “To feel grateful is not to say that everything in our lives is necessarily great. it just means that we are aware of our blessings.” -Dr. Robert Emmons

3. Ask Yourself Better Questions.
Have you ever been afraid to ask a question when you were in school? You were just too worried you would sound stupid in front of the class. But, just understand that asking questions is the only way to become knowledgeable. Tony Robbins says, “The things you can change start by changing your reality. To change your reality, you need to change what you focus on. The best way to change what you are focusing on is to ask yourself better questions.

4. Love Your Body.
Your body is the vehicle through you carry on your life’s purpose. There are countless studies about the benefits of regular exercise and healthy heating. You can’t be happy if you aren’t healthy.

5. Expand Your Body of Knowledge.
Understand that knowledge and education expand way beyond the classroom and it’s a constant process of learning, applying, and experimenting. Read books, watch videos, read magazines, etc. Commit to learning everything there is about your particular field, become a master of your craft. Knowledge is everywhere and is there for the taking.

6. Meditate.
Emotions are part of our system of sensing and responding to the world. Without them, we would be machines. But, emotions can wreak havoc and spread pain throughout our lives. Meditation helps in noticing different emotions and letting them be what they are. Meditation has been found to help increase a sense of purpose and reduce the feelings of isolation and depression.

7. Develop a Circle of Friends With Qualities You Admire!
There’s a famous quote by Jim Rohn that says, “You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” When you surround yourself with people who are far ahead and more successful than you, you cannot help but feed off their success and grow as a person.

Do You Want To Be Successful?

Do you want to be successful? If so, get rid of these common 10 lies from your mind!


There are so many people who aspire to be entrepreneurs, but are too afraid to take the plunge because they have preconceived notions about what it takes. Some concerns are valid because people are scared of the financial risk, or they have a steady career and worry about the cost of moving into entrepreneurship. But, there are no challenges in life that are insurmountable and no barriers to success which can’t be over come. If you want to be successful, choose to remove the next 10 points from your mindset.


1. Successful people are inherently “different” from me.

The only reason that someone would have to think this is because they probably haven’t done their research on the backgrounds of some of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs. Most of these people are similar to you and I and many of them have experienced adversity at a level well beyond what most people could even begin to imagine. Almost every entrepreneur has failed numerous times, but they have chosen to not let their failure define them. 

2. Successful people are more intelligent than me.

There are geniuses out there, but their intellect is focused on one particular area and they tend to be exceptions to the rule. knowledge, common sense, skills, and experience are what make 99% of entrepreneurs successful. Why would you downgrade your worth by comparing yourself to someone outside of your area of expertise?

3. Successful people have more talent for business than I do.

Many successful people can’t even balance a checkbook, but they are smart enough to surround themselves with people who can. Did you know that some of the Presidents that are considered the “best” in US history were actually inexperienced in politics? These people know how to surround themselves with brilliant Cabinet members. If you have access to a good manager and accountant, your lack of business skills doesn’t mean that much. Over time, you’ll learn.

4. Successful people have more education than I have.

There is a list of 55 Dropout Billionaires. If it was true that all successful people have more education than the average person, then that list would simply not exist! People like Richard Branson, Giorgio Armani, and Jenny Craig would be serving you burgers and fries instead of being the big names that you actually know. Life experience, common sense, and a good business concept will trump formal education any day of the week.

5. Successful people have never failed like me.

The fact is that successful people fail more than anyone because they’re always willing to try and never quit. Sylvester Stallone was homeless and cleaning cages at a NYC zoo when he wrote his script for Rocky. Walt Disney was in his second bankruptcy when Snow White became big and got him out of that. Failure is nothing more than a temporary set back that provides a wealth of learning and experience. 

6. Successful people have more of a winning personality than me.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are extreme introverts who have overcome their shyness. Also, Steve Jobs didn’t believe in bathing. Only someone with the lowest of self-esteem allows this lie to be true within their lives. Many of the successful people you read about have quirks that would get them banned from local places. If you can smile and be pleasant with people, your personality is good enough! 🙂

7. Successful people are willing to take more risks than I am.

To be an entrepreneur does take some degree of risk, but that risk involves believing in yourself. Most successful people are not reckless and mitigate their risk exposure with a vast amount of research before launching any project. Risk happens everyday in our lives and we have to deal with it. There’s no reason to develop an aversion to risk when it comes to your own ability to achieve success.

8. Successful people started with more money than I have.

Having unlimited capital will make your business start up easier, but not having it doesn’t stand in your way of launching a successful enterprise. If you hae a roof over your head, food on the table, and gas for your vehicle, you’re way ahead of the many who began their careers homeless. John Paul Dejoria, the billionaire who co-founded Paul Mitchell Hair Care Products, started his company with $700 and an infinite amount of determination. Lack of money is never a good excuse.

9. I’m a woman, and men have a better shot at success than I do.

This might be true in some big corporate settings, but not for entrepreneurship. Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx, Debbie Fields, the creator of Mrs. Fields Bakeries, and Marian Ilitch, the creator of Little Caesars Pizza, are all successful female entrepreneurs who started their careers with nothing but a dream and a mission. 

10. Successful people care more about money than I do.

Love it or hate it, the world is fueled by money. We need it, that’s why we work. However, entrepreneurs are motivated by much more than money. They are passionate about what they do and they love it. They have the flexibility and independence of being in charge of their own futures. They’re driven by the dream of making a difference in the lives of others. After all is said and done, the money they earn is just a nice bonus.


In conclusion, there are no worse lies in life than the ones we tell ourselves. If your initial assumptions about a fact are incorrect, everything else that follows will be wrong as well. Self-deception is the worst barrier to personal success imaginable. For every 100 excuses you can offer as to why you cannot succeed; only one reason is required to convince yourself that anything is possible. Every day, people with less capability and more disadvantages than you have made the transition to a successful and independent life. Seize the moment to act!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: The Secrets to Success!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. knows that the biggest question that people have is how to find success. So, we reviewed this article from Forbes about the secrets to finding it! Most of the gals that people set in life are centered around finding success in their personal lives as well as their business lives. These two things tend to depend upon each other.   Personal success supports and reinforces professional success. Professional success reinforces personal success. Together, they reinforce life’s most important pursuit – happiness. So how do we find it?


1. The Law of Attraction

The secret to success is positive thoughts. Your thoughts are a magnet that brings things your way and helps you to identify and externalize your inner strengths and capabilities. Put good things in your mind and they will happen!


2. The Element

Find out what you excel in. That’s where you have to position yourself. You need to find your own “element,” your passion. The right occupation that matches your inner strengths and capabilities will help you bring out the best in yourself.


3. Learn how to fail

You have to be willing to try, fail, try again, fail again, and still get back up. Understand that luck will play a part in your success, being in the right place at the right time can make a world of difference. “There is plenty of luck to go around; you just need to keep your head raised until it’s your turn,” says Scott Adams. “If you drill down to any success story, you always discover that luck was a huge part of it. You cannot control luck, but you can move from a game with bad odds to one with better odds. You can make it easier for luck to find you. The most useful thing you can do is stay in the game. If your current get-rich project fails, take what you learned and try something else. Keep repeating until something lucky happens.”


4. Law of Large Numbers

This states that you give yourself enough times to take advantage of success. Give yourself enough opportunity with equal chance for each possible outcome to occur. Your turn to succeed won’t work unless you can execute and stay away from harmful behavior that destroys your progress.


5. Get your priorities right

Use your resources wisely, stay focused, and develop the right relationships. Don’t be greedy and don’t be complacent. 

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: How to Impress Your Boss!

Ever feel like you are that person who flies under the radar? Never really gets the recognition or appreciation you deserve in the workplace? If so, you would be surprised to know how many people share those same feelings everyday. With that in mind, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc found this article from www.under30ceo.com that was all about how to impress your boss.

When we think about impressing our boss, manager, supervisor, etc. the common advice that has always been given is “dress for success”, “show up on time”, “be positive”, or “be REALLY good at what you do.” But, what if you feel like you are doing all of those things and still not getting the results that you are looking for? Well, there are some less common suggestions that every young professional should know about when they are trying to impress their superiors. 

1. Be a leader within the office

  • Now before you go ahead and say, “How can I lead if I’m not in charge?”, think about it. The most respected leaders are individuals who empower those around them. Do you have to be in charge to empower the people around you? NO WAY! For example, if someone in your office is struggling with something you have two choices. First, you could let them struggle to make yourself look good in comparison. Or, you can offer tips and help out that person so that you both succeed. That demonstrates how valuable you can be to the company because you care about the success of others, not just your own.
  • This concept is something that Northeast Consulting Group, Inc lives by and preaches daily. You make yourself irreplaceable if you are able to do a task well and inspire the people around you to do well too. This ensures that you make yourself a valuable member of a team. In turn, it allows you to have leadership by influence, rather than leadership by position, which is more valuable? Would you rather listen and follow someone who you respect and admire? Or, would you rather listen and follow someone because you have to? Choose the kind of leader that you want to be!

2. Be a problem solver

  • In the workplace, MONEY = TIME. Every time you ask your boss a question, understand that you are requesting some of their time. Most of the time superiors are happy to help someone navigate a new set of circumstances if it leads to increasing your capabilities and productivity. However, this is not justification to ask assistance every time a road block appears.

  • To be a problem solver, utilize your resources. For instance, if something is common knowledge, Google it! Confused about the directions for a project? Refer back to your original notes or training manual, the answer is probably right there in front of you. If you turn into the person that runs to your boss every time you need something, you WILL come off as needy and ultimately give the impression that you are more trouble than you are worth.

  • Also, do not just focus on identifying a problem, focus on the solution. By consistently demonstrating this, you show that you are self sufficient, a critical thinker, and someone who is ready for more responsibility. Increased responsibilities = promotions = $$!

3. Don’t treat the office like it’s school

  • In school if you do a good job you get an “A” at the top. At work, if you do a good job, you don’t get fired. While some bosses apply positive reinforcement, in reality, most office environments don’t do that on a daily basis. At work, you’re expected to do your best and if not, then it’s a reason for concern by the employer.

4. Handle pressure and mistakes with grace

  • No matter how talented you are, you will make mistakes. The real test is how you react to it. ALWAYS be honest and do not blame others or try to justify the situation. If you know you made a mistake, come prepared with a plan of action on how to fix the situation and what you will do next time to ensure that the same mistake will not be repeated twice.

  • You do not want to act nonchalant about making a mistake, you must make sure that you do not let it affect your professionalism or productivity. Most importantly DO NOT DWELL! Try to let it roll off your back. The ability to stay calm, not crack under pressure, and keep a cool head is a fundamental trait of someone who can handle responsibility.
  • Some people are better at this than others, but focus on what you can control to reduce stress. Things like going to the gym or for a walk over lunch, breathing exercises, or meditation can have a direct impact on lowering stress making it easier for you to be able to handle tough situations that may come your way.

5. Be responsible for your own growth

  • There is this thing called the internet now in days. It has countless educational articles, industry lecturers, and networking forums. Do not let your professional growth only occur between the hours of your job.

  • So, instead of waiting for someone to tell you to take some training sessions, give you new projects, or tell you to reach out. Do it on your own. Take your career development into your own hands by learning or strengthening a new skill and offering those services to your superiors. The major difference between a follower and a leader is that the first group waits for opportunities while the second classification CREATES them.


In conclusion, this entire article is based upon being a “do-er” in your career. Take the necessary actions to step up and set yourself apart outside of the common things. By following those 5 tips and still doing the common tips to impressing your boss, you basically ensure that you will be noticed. The people who stand out at work, for the RIGHT reasons of course, are always the people in the running for that big promotion, or raise, or holiday bonus. Instead of wishing that you were going to be one of those people, change your mindset on your career and take action!

For more information about Northeast Consulting Group, Inc and career opportunities within our company, please visit our website: http://www.ncginc.biz

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: How to Be Successful & Not Burnt Out!

Want to still work hard, be successful, but not be stressed out and exhausted? Most of us do. Northeast Consulting Group, Inc found this article in Entrepreneur Magazine about how planning ahead and working smarter are the keys to keep you going without getting tired or frazzled.


1. Weigh the payoff of every task.

Make sure the time you spend doing something aligns with your business goals

Don’t just do something to pass time, do something that is going to benefit your future within your company and be meaningful to your success


2. Learn to delegate!

If you aren’t using the people around you, START!

If you’re in a leadership role, the reason you have people working with you is for them to help lighten your load. The best leaders are the best delegators.

Also, remember, you CAN’T control EVERYTHING


3. Rein in after-hours messaging.

Lay some ground rules.

Let your people know that you won’t respond to weekend emails, texts, or phone calls that are business related until Sunday night.

For most leaders, this is hard to resist, but it is important to have a work life balance and not let those areas cross over into one another.


4. Make time off non-negotiable.

Reserve part of your weekend to unwind.

Everyone needs a little bit of down time. Find something else that you’re passionate about or makes you feel good to occupy your time and give you satisfaction outside of the workplace.


5. Leave some work on the table.

The world WILL NOT slip off it’s axis if you do not complete a low priority task before you leave.

You can either have a business that is “complete” or you can have a business that is “growing” — What would you rather have?

All in all, this article focused on the importance of giving yourself some free time and space. People are more productive when they work smarter and for less hours, than they are spending all of their time at the office for a 70 hour work week. Working 70 hours a week leaves an individual, their families, and friends unhappy. Unhappy people aren’t productive. So, plan your week and reserve a little time for yourself, your family, your friends, and for what is really important in your life!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc’s Employee Spotlight Khayree Johnson!


Each week the representatives at Northeast Consulting Group, Inc vote among themselves about who they feel like is being a prime example of what it takes to get promoted into management inside and outside of the office. This week, Khayree Johnson received the Employee Spotlight award for the second time! So, we decided to see what really makes Khayree tick and continue to be such a positive example in the work environment!

 Khayree has been in the company for about six months now. During that time he proved how much of an asset he can truly be to Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. He has been an instrumental part of the training and development of numerous employees and still manages to continue to further his own personal development to stay on pace to achieve his personal career goals.

 Khayree’s success is centered around his goal oriented attitude. His biggest motivation to be successful is to be able to show his friends and family that all of the hard work he has done in his life will soon pay off. More importantly, he wants to set the right example for his daughter and show her that having the right attitude and work ethic is the key to success in your career. Khayree’s internal drive is centered around his family and working hard now so have the means to spend time with them.

 Khayree’s short term goal for his next three months at Northeast Consulting Group, Inc includes him achieving his second promotion in the company to Assistant Management! His long term goal that he plans to complete in the next five years is to be a top consultant in our organization. The first thing Khayree will do when he achieves that goal is to take a vacation out of the country with his family and then buy his dream car!

 All of us at Northeast Consulting Group, Inc are so proud of Khayree Johnson and what he has accomplished in the short time that he’s been with us. Learning more about him only reinforces what we already knew, that Khayree will be an instrumental part of the success within our company and will do big things with his life and his career!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews “The Position Myth”

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned firm that specializes in direct marketing, brand building, public relations, and consulting for Fairfield County, Connecticut. Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is passionate about providing development to our employees outside of just the business world. Our company focuses on the development of the mind and helping our employees reach their full potential. Today, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is reviewing, “The Position Myth.” This meeting was created from John Maxwell’s book, 360 Degree Leader.

The Position Myth

The position myth is common in the workplace and in any team environment. People tend to be confined and only allow themselves to achieve things that are part of their “position” or “formal role” within a company or team environment. The position myth states, “I can’t lead if I’m not at the top.”
The Truth About Leadership:
  • The truth is that 99% of leadership comes from the middle, not the top.
  • “The true measure of leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” – John C. Maxwell
Misconception #1:
Leadership comes from having a position or title:
  • People who agree with this, buy into the myth.
  • These people feel like “potential leaders.”
  • They’re uncomfortable stepping up in the workplace or in a team environment because they don’t have a formal position that states them as a leader. (i.e. Team Captain, Team Leader, Manager, CEO)
Misconception #2:
Relationships don’t create leadership:
  • People who agree with this don’t focus on building relationships with the other people in the work place or in a team environment.
  • In the Long Term, people who buy into this misconception feel increased unhappiness and start looking for a new leader, team, or organization.
The truth is that Leadership is derived from influence. The easiest and most effective way to  create influence is to build the right kind of relationships with the other people around you in the workplace or in a team environment.
The type of Leadership that someone can have is broken down into 5 Levels. Position, Permission, Production, People Development, and Person-hood.

The 5 Levels of Leadership:


1. Position
  • Rights.
  • People follow you because they have to, your influence won’t extend from there. (i.e. Manager, Team Captain, CEO, etc.)
  • You can only do the position you’re given and your influence will only extend to the boundaries of your job description.
So how do you get yourself out of the Position level?
  • Start doing things to increase your influence outside of your stated position.
  • Ask yourself these questions: Do I have to be at the top of the chart to create relationships with others/ Do I have to have the top title to help others and myself be more productive?
  • Start changing your mindset. Understand that influence is disposition, not position. You get out what you put in.
  • “Leadership is a choice, not a place you sit, you can make a difference no matter where you are.”
2. Permission
  • Relationships.
  • People follow you because they want to. 
  • Your influence now extends beyond your stated authority.
  • You’ve now started to build relationships with the people you desire to lead, you genuinely care about people, they trust you, and have now given you their permission to lead them.
  • People who are highly motivated tend to become restless in this phase because they desire more, they want to advance and continue to extend their influence.
3. Production
  • Results.
  • People follow you because of what you have done.
  • This is where long term success is sensed by most people.
  • The people around you like you and what you’re doing, you’re able to help people fix problems with minimal effort because of the positive momentum you’ve created.
  • If the people you lead succeed in getting the job done because of your contribution to the team, they will look to you more to lead the way. 
  • This is a win-win situation.
4. People Development
  • Reproduction.
  • People follow you because of what you have done for them. 
  • You have to understand how to move through the other four phases to get here.
  • This shows that someone has a commitment to developing others, they understand that developing other people and teaching them ensures ongoing growth for the organization, team, and the people within it.
  • The goal is to get here, and stay here.
  • People reach this mark by genuinely caring about the people they lead. They mentor them, help them develop their skills, and sharpen their leadership ability.
5. Personhood
  • Respect.
  • People follow you because of who you are and what you represent.
  • It usually takes years of growing and developing people and an organization to reach this point.
  • It’s difficult to get to this phase, but those who make it have a profound impact on the people around them.
  • This is not a level that someone can strive to achieve because it is outside of your direct control. Only other people can put someone here because it is derived from a feeling.
  • People who make it here have succeeded in leading and succeeding through the first four levels for a long period of time and they’ve earned the reputation of a level-five leader. 
All in all, this myth hits home with what Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. strives to do within this company. We are looking to empower people to step out of their stated job roles and start creating influence and leadership on their own. This is what breeds a successful leader. This is what breeds a successful manager. This is what breeds a business partner. That is what we want for the representatives within our company.