She Earned Four Promotions This Year — How Did She Do It?

ncg-inc-gabbyNCG, Inc in Trumbull, CT is the poster company for the phrase “behind every good company is a great administrator.” Okay, so maybe we made up that phrase… but it is completely fitting when you have someone like Gabrielle Lofaro on the front line of your administration, human resources and recruiting! In just a short 10 month period of time, she has just earned her FOURTH, yes FOURTH, promotion with the company. We caught up with Gabby to learn more about her success and the moves she’s making within her career.

Four promotions in under a year…seriously, how have you done it?

What really keeps me motivated is having clear goals and knowing what opportunities lie ahead! Working at NCG, Inc I know that I’m not stuck in a dead end job, I have a career path! And by reaching my goals on this career path it will allow me to create a life that I’ve always wanted. I also have a team that backs me up 100%. Jolene, Management and all of the guys in the office have always pushed me to be great. It really makes a difference when other people want to see you succeed just as much as YOU want to succeed.

You mentioned that with NCG, Inc you actually have a career path. What do you think is the difference between a job and a career?

To me, a job is something you go to everyday to simply make money. There is no future (or a very limited one), there is nothing exciting about “what comes next”, and you’re ultimately there just to survive. A career on the other hand, is something that makes you excited to get up in the morning… to move up and advance within. It is something that has the opportunity to change your life for the better. There’s growth, and you know that you are not wasting your time being there because every day gets you closer to your goal! One my first interview with NCG, Inc I recall having to fill out a questionnaire about what I was looking for in a position and I actually wrote, “I do not want another day to day job, but rather a career that I can be happy with!” And guess what? I found it.

And there you have it. That, folks, is how you get promoted 4 times in less than one year. Congratulations on all of your success, Gabby; and on behalf of the entire NCG, Inc team we want to thank you for all that you do.

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Through the eyes of a new team member: NCG, Inc

A new employee of NCG, Inc reviews his experience with our Trumbull firm.

Leadership team enjoying a recent trip to Dallas, TX

NCG, Inc operates on the philosophy that each team member should have the ability to prove him or herself on the job and earn advancement opportunities based upon proven performance. This gives managers a unique perspective because they have ‘seen and done it all.’ It also provides them with a solid foundation of skills that will help guide them as they continue to grow in their careers.

Here in our Connecticut-based firm, there is no seniority; there’s only performance — a sigh of relief for those who have been turned down by numerous companies because they did not have the required experience.

Chris Hurylovich

Chris Hurylovich, for example, has only been working with NCG, Inc for three months -– yet, he has quickly proven himself as an asset to the Trumbull team. We caught up with Chris to pick his brain about his experience of working with the company and here’s what we found out!

Can you tell us about your manager at NCG, Inc? What’s it like working for her?

First and foremost, I must say that I’ve been blessed and privileged to be working with Jolene. She’s by far one of the most knowledgeable and inspiring people I have gotten to know to date. The things she values are fairly simple: she wants to see her colleagues be successful and live a great life, just as much as she wants that for herself. Her personality is great and she’s very witty and comical with the perfect balance of professional relationships as well. I would have to say all of her corny jokes make me laugh on a day to day basis. The best part about working with her is that every day I’m learning something new in both personal and professional ways.

How about your co-workers, what is the team dynamic like?

I work with absolutely amazing people; they are so inspired and ambitious. NCG, Inc is a breeding ground for success and everybody is always willing to lend a helping hand. Success breeds success, that’s the mantra here.

NCG, Inc puts a large emphasis on doing things together as a team outside of the office. What have been some of your favorite events and why do you think they are important?

So far, have I have definitely enjoyed the times when we played kickball and volleyball after work. I’m very competitive so some office competition is always a blast. Our office get togethers are a great way for our team to bond and really build relationships in a less professional setting. It’s also a great way to unwind.

Thanks, Chris, for sharing this great feedback!

To stay in the loop with all that is happening at NCG, Inc follow us on Twitter @NCGIncMarketing

NCG, Inc Reviews: 8 Effective Listening & Communication Principles for Success!

NCG, Inc Reviews: 8 Effective Listening & Communication Practices for Success!

Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Most people tend to overlook that. NCG, Inc is committed to helping our people develop both personally and professionally. So, we focus a lot of our morning meetings around gaining the skills necessary for people to improve their personal selves which in turn helps someone succeed in a professional setting as well. So, when NCG, Inc found this article about effective listening and communication practices, we couldn’t wait to share it with our people and then pass along the information to you all as well!

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Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: The Secrets to Success!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. knows that the biggest question that people have is how to find success. So, we reviewed this article from Forbes about the secrets to finding it! Most of the gals that people set in life are centered around finding success in their personal lives as well as their business lives. These two things tend to depend upon each other.   Personal success supports and reinforces professional success. Professional success reinforces personal success. Together, they reinforce life’s most important pursuit – happiness. So how do we find it?


1. The Law of Attraction

The secret to success is positive thoughts. Your thoughts are a magnet that brings things your way and helps you to identify and externalize your inner strengths and capabilities. Put good things in your mind and they will happen!


2. The Element

Find out what you excel in. That’s where you have to position yourself. You need to find your own “element,” your passion. The right occupation that matches your inner strengths and capabilities will help you bring out the best in yourself.


3. Learn how to fail

You have to be willing to try, fail, try again, fail again, and still get back up. Understand that luck will play a part in your success, being in the right place at the right time can make a world of difference. “There is plenty of luck to go around; you just need to keep your head raised until it’s your turn,” says Scott Adams. “If you drill down to any success story, you always discover that luck was a huge part of it. You cannot control luck, but you can move from a game with bad odds to one with better odds. You can make it easier for luck to find you. The most useful thing you can do is stay in the game. If your current get-rich project fails, take what you learned and try something else. Keep repeating until something lucky happens.”


4. Law of Large Numbers

This states that you give yourself enough times to take advantage of success. Give yourself enough opportunity with equal chance for each possible outcome to occur. Your turn to succeed won’t work unless you can execute and stay away from harmful behavior that destroys your progress.


5. Get your priorities right

Use your resources wisely, stay focused, and develop the right relationships. Don’t be greedy and don’t be complacent. 

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. Reviews: 6 Tips to Building Confidence!

Ever feel down in the dumps? Scared to try something because you’re worried that you won’t be good at it? Or stray away from taking risks because you’re worried you won’t be able to do it? The biggest reason for this is because we lack confidence in ourselves. So, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. decided to review this article from called “6 Confidence Boosters.” So, incorporate these habits into your life that will help you become a more confident person starting today!


6 Confidence Boosters:

 1.Greet others with a smile and look them directly in the eye:

A smile and direct eye contact convey confidence. Answer the phone the same way whether you’re at work or at home. Eye contact shows that you are confidence because you’re not shying away from looking at someone or greeting them with respect.


2. Always show real appreciation for a gift or compliment:

Don’t downplay or sidestep expressions of affection or honor from others. The ability to accept or receive is a universal mark of an individual with solid self-esteem. If you shy away from compliments or try to downplay one that has been given to you, the message that you’re putting out is that you don’t believe in yourself as much as they do. After a period of time, the people around you will start to lose confidence In you too.


3. Don’t Brag:

It’s almost a paradox that genuine modesty is actually part of the capacity to gracefully receive compliments. People who brag about their exploits or demand special attention are simply trying to build themselves up in the eyes of others. The only reason they do that is because they don’t already perceive themselves as being worth of respect.


4. Don’t make your problems the centerpiece of your conversation:

Talk positively about your life and the progress you’re trying to make. Be aware of any negative thinking and take notice of how often you complain. When you hear yourself criticize someone (THIS INCLUDES CRITICIZING YOURSELF), find a way to be helpful instead. This way you can address the issue, but fix the problem as well.


5. Respond to difficult times or depressing moments by increasing your level of productive activity:

When your self-esteem is challenged, don’t sit around and fall victim to “paralysis by analysis.” The late Malcolm Forbes said, “Vehicles in motion use their generators to charge their own batteries. Unless you happen to be a golf cart, you can’t recharge your battery when you’re parked in the garage!”


6. Choose to see mistakes and rejections as opportunities to learn:

View a misstep as the conclusion of one performance, not the end of your entire career. Refuse to see yourself as a failure. Even though you have to own up to your shortcomings, you don’t have to let them consume you. A failure may be something you have done and may even do again on the way to success, but failure is not something that you are.


After an extremely poor performance, a team or an individual athlete often does much better the next time out, especially when the performance was so bad that there was simply no way to shirk responsibility for it. Disappointment, defeat, and even apparent failure are in no way permanent conditions unless we choose to make them though. Failure can be a painful experience, but it can be the solid foundation that we use to build our future success on.



Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately owned firm that specializes in direct marketing, brand building, public relations, and consulting in Fairfield County, Connecticut. We are committed to giving our employees the tools and the resources to be successful within our company. Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. provides a predictable career path that can lead to the opportunity in Management within our company. To learn more about the careers available at Northeast Consulting Group, Inc. please visit our website:

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: How to Impress Your Boss!

Ever feel like you are that person who flies under the radar? Never really gets the recognition or appreciation you deserve in the workplace? If so, you would be surprised to know how many people share those same feelings everyday. With that in mind, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc found this article from that was all about how to impress your boss.

When we think about impressing our boss, manager, supervisor, etc. the common advice that has always been given is “dress for success”, “show up on time”, “be positive”, or “be REALLY good at what you do.” But, what if you feel like you are doing all of those things and still not getting the results that you are looking for? Well, there are some less common suggestions that every young professional should know about when they are trying to impress their superiors. 

1. Be a leader within the office

  • Now before you go ahead and say, “How can I lead if I’m not in charge?”, think about it. The most respected leaders are individuals who empower those around them. Do you have to be in charge to empower the people around you? NO WAY! For example, if someone in your office is struggling with something you have two choices. First, you could let them struggle to make yourself look good in comparison. Or, you can offer tips and help out that person so that you both succeed. That demonstrates how valuable you can be to the company because you care about the success of others, not just your own.
  • This concept is something that Northeast Consulting Group, Inc lives by and preaches daily. You make yourself irreplaceable if you are able to do a task well and inspire the people around you to do well too. This ensures that you make yourself a valuable member of a team. In turn, it allows you to have leadership by influence, rather than leadership by position, which is more valuable? Would you rather listen and follow someone who you respect and admire? Or, would you rather listen and follow someone because you have to? Choose the kind of leader that you want to be!

2. Be a problem solver

  • In the workplace, MONEY = TIME. Every time you ask your boss a question, understand that you are requesting some of their time. Most of the time superiors are happy to help someone navigate a new set of circumstances if it leads to increasing your capabilities and productivity. However, this is not justification to ask assistance every time a road block appears.

  • To be a problem solver, utilize your resources. For instance, if something is common knowledge, Google it! Confused about the directions for a project? Refer back to your original notes or training manual, the answer is probably right there in front of you. If you turn into the person that runs to your boss every time you need something, you WILL come off as needy and ultimately give the impression that you are more trouble than you are worth.

  • Also, do not just focus on identifying a problem, focus on the solution. By consistently demonstrating this, you show that you are self sufficient, a critical thinker, and someone who is ready for more responsibility. Increased responsibilities = promotions = $$!

3. Don’t treat the office like it’s school

  • In school if you do a good job you get an “A” at the top. At work, if you do a good job, you don’t get fired. While some bosses apply positive reinforcement, in reality, most office environments don’t do that on a daily basis. At work, you’re expected to do your best and if not, then it’s a reason for concern by the employer.

4. Handle pressure and mistakes with grace

  • No matter how talented you are, you will make mistakes. The real test is how you react to it. ALWAYS be honest and do not blame others or try to justify the situation. If you know you made a mistake, come prepared with a plan of action on how to fix the situation and what you will do next time to ensure that the same mistake will not be repeated twice.

  • You do not want to act nonchalant about making a mistake, you must make sure that you do not let it affect your professionalism or productivity. Most importantly DO NOT DWELL! Try to let it roll off your back. The ability to stay calm, not crack under pressure, and keep a cool head is a fundamental trait of someone who can handle responsibility.
  • Some people are better at this than others, but focus on what you can control to reduce stress. Things like going to the gym or for a walk over lunch, breathing exercises, or meditation can have a direct impact on lowering stress making it easier for you to be able to handle tough situations that may come your way.

5. Be responsible for your own growth

  • There is this thing called the internet now in days. It has countless educational articles, industry lecturers, and networking forums. Do not let your professional growth only occur between the hours of your job.

  • So, instead of waiting for someone to tell you to take some training sessions, give you new projects, or tell you to reach out. Do it on your own. Take your career development into your own hands by learning or strengthening a new skill and offering those services to your superiors. The major difference between a follower and a leader is that the first group waits for opportunities while the second classification CREATES them.


In conclusion, this entire article is based upon being a “do-er” in your career. Take the necessary actions to step up and set yourself apart outside of the common things. By following those 5 tips and still doing the common tips to impressing your boss, you basically ensure that you will be noticed. The people who stand out at work, for the RIGHT reasons of course, are always the people in the running for that big promotion, or raise, or holiday bonus. Instead of wishing that you were going to be one of those people, change your mindset on your career and take action!

For more information about Northeast Consulting Group, Inc and career opportunities within our company, please visit our website: