NCG, Inc’s Leading Lady

NCG, Inc in Trumbull, CT has started off 2017 impressing clients left and right. Their sole purpose is to increase market share for some of the most recognizable brands throughout the United States. Not only have they been achieving this feat, but this privately-owned marketing and sales firm is also rapidly growing!

President Jolene Foor took the time to sit down with us and discuss her background, what she looks for in her employees, goals for the company and much more in a two-part blog series. So, let’s get to know the woman closing deals in heels behind the scenes, shall we?

ncg-inc-jolenefoorPrior to beginning her career in business nearly a decade ago, Foor was a Veterinary Technician and a Nurse! Like all careers, this too came with likes and dislikes for her. “I loved medicine and learning about how the human body operates but I disliked the clinical part. Learning about it all was great but I decided that what I truly loved was being able to help people, so I decided to do so in a business setting,” explained Foor. Luckily for Foor, she was not required to have experience in the sales and marketing industry when she began. This is something that now holds true for her company as well. Foor provides the same intensive coaching and training that she was given, hoping to provide those coming from different industries with the same opportunity.

Since Foor has stayed true to not requiring industry when it comes to hiring new employees, we were curious as to what she does look for when hiring a new member to join NCG, Inc. Foor explained that, to her, it was more important for her people to have certain personal characteristics rather than a specific degree or work experience. She went on to highlight a few:

“I am looking for someone who is high energy, self-motivated, hardworking, has high integrity and a killer attitude! I will put 100% effort into developing the right person with these characteristics because they will motivate me to do so!” explained Foor.

As NCG, Inc continues to exceed client targets and grow, Foor continues to keep her eyes open for potential contributors who possess the above qualities. If you are looking for a new career opportunity around the Trumbull, CT area, be sure to check out their CareerBuilder profile for all the latest job openings. Don’t forget to keep a look out for Part 2 of our interview with Foor to hear more about the future and direction that this firm has!

Northeast Consulting Group, Inc Reviews: How to Impress Your Boss!

Ever feel like you are that person who flies under the radar? Never really gets the recognition or appreciation you deserve in the workplace? If so, you would be surprised to know how many people share those same feelings everyday. With that in mind, Northeast Consulting Group, Inc found this article from that was all about how to impress your boss.

When we think about impressing our boss, manager, supervisor, etc. the common advice that has always been given is “dress for success”, “show up on time”, “be positive”, or “be REALLY good at what you do.” But, what if you feel like you are doing all of those things and still not getting the results that you are looking for? Well, there are some less common suggestions that every young professional should know about when they are trying to impress their superiors. 

1. Be a leader within the office

  • Now before you go ahead and say, “How can I lead if I’m not in charge?”, think about it. The most respected leaders are individuals who empower those around them. Do you have to be in charge to empower the people around you? NO WAY! For example, if someone in your office is struggling with something you have two choices. First, you could let them struggle to make yourself look good in comparison. Or, you can offer tips and help out that person so that you both succeed. That demonstrates how valuable you can be to the company because you care about the success of others, not just your own.
  • This concept is something that Northeast Consulting Group, Inc lives by and preaches daily. You make yourself irreplaceable if you are able to do a task well and inspire the people around you to do well too. This ensures that you make yourself a valuable member of a team. In turn, it allows you to have leadership by influence, rather than leadership by position, which is more valuable? Would you rather listen and follow someone who you respect and admire? Or, would you rather listen and follow someone because you have to? Choose the kind of leader that you want to be!

2. Be a problem solver

  • In the workplace, MONEY = TIME. Every time you ask your boss a question, understand that you are requesting some of their time. Most of the time superiors are happy to help someone navigate a new set of circumstances if it leads to increasing your capabilities and productivity. However, this is not justification to ask assistance every time a road block appears.

  • To be a problem solver, utilize your resources. For instance, if something is common knowledge, Google it! Confused about the directions for a project? Refer back to your original notes or training manual, the answer is probably right there in front of you. If you turn into the person that runs to your boss every time you need something, you WILL come off as needy and ultimately give the impression that you are more trouble than you are worth.

  • Also, do not just focus on identifying a problem, focus on the solution. By consistently demonstrating this, you show that you are self sufficient, a critical thinker, and someone who is ready for more responsibility. Increased responsibilities = promotions = $$!

3. Don’t treat the office like it’s school

  • In school if you do a good job you get an “A” at the top. At work, if you do a good job, you don’t get fired. While some bosses apply positive reinforcement, in reality, most office environments don’t do that on a daily basis. At work, you’re expected to do your best and if not, then it’s a reason for concern by the employer.

4. Handle pressure and mistakes with grace

  • No matter how talented you are, you will make mistakes. The real test is how you react to it. ALWAYS be honest and do not blame others or try to justify the situation. If you know you made a mistake, come prepared with a plan of action on how to fix the situation and what you will do next time to ensure that the same mistake will not be repeated twice.

  • You do not want to act nonchalant about making a mistake, you must make sure that you do not let it affect your professionalism or productivity. Most importantly DO NOT DWELL! Try to let it roll off your back. The ability to stay calm, not crack under pressure, and keep a cool head is a fundamental trait of someone who can handle responsibility.
  • Some people are better at this than others, but focus on what you can control to reduce stress. Things like going to the gym or for a walk over lunch, breathing exercises, or meditation can have a direct impact on lowering stress making it easier for you to be able to handle tough situations that may come your way.

5. Be responsible for your own growth

  • There is this thing called the internet now in days. It has countless educational articles, industry lecturers, and networking forums. Do not let your professional growth only occur between the hours of your job.

  • So, instead of waiting for someone to tell you to take some training sessions, give you new projects, or tell you to reach out. Do it on your own. Take your career development into your own hands by learning or strengthening a new skill and offering those services to your superiors. The major difference between a follower and a leader is that the first group waits for opportunities while the second classification CREATES them.


In conclusion, this entire article is based upon being a “do-er” in your career. Take the necessary actions to step up and set yourself apart outside of the common things. By following those 5 tips and still doing the common tips to impressing your boss, you basically ensure that you will be noticed. The people who stand out at work, for the RIGHT reasons of course, are always the people in the running for that big promotion, or raise, or holiday bonus. Instead of wishing that you were going to be one of those people, change your mindset on your career and take action!

For more information about Northeast Consulting Group, Inc and career opportunities within our company, please visit our website: