Charity Bowl-A-Thon

NCG will be hosting a bowl-a-thon on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 8:00-10:00 PM and you’re invited! It will take place at AMF Lanes in Milford, CT and cost is $20 to attend. Raffle tickets can be purchased for a variety of great prizes!

All proceeds will go to Al Castaldo, a stage 3 lung cancer patient and longtime friend of NCG. Castaldo is unable to work due to the severity of his illness and is struggling to gain government aid to cover radiation treatments. It is unclear how long he can survive without radiation.

Please help get him the radiation treatments he needs by attending or donating today. Any support is greatly appreciated. To attend or to make a donation, please contact Jolene Foor at (203) 880-5011.

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