Recruiting the Right Candidates

At NCG, we spend a lot of time looking for the most qualified candidates to fill each position. We are often asked why we spend so much time and effort on recruiting. The answer is simple – to build a strong team and ultimately, to help grow our company. Hiring a candidate means investing a lot in them. There are financial resources, time spent training and emotional investment to building relationships with our new colleagues. Throughout the years, we have learned a lot about what types of candidates we want to look for in each aspect of our business and how to pinpoint these candidates in our recruiting process. Here are some tips we’ve learned on how to choose the right person for the job:•

Know what you want. Half of finding the right candidate is knowing exactly what you need and what types of skills you’re looking for. It’s often hard to find a candidate that has 100% of the experience you need. Know what skills are   absolutely essential to the position and which you just can’t compromise on.

Know what personalities will and won’t excel. We all know skills and experience are important. But the right personality can be just as key. Look for candidates who will mesh well with your existing team and are driven to keep learning. Some personalities naturally fit in certain positions, some don’t.

Ask the right questions. Ask your candidate the right questions. Make sure you touch upon everything you need to know. You don’t want to be in a position where you’ve hired someone and regret it. It’s hard to know everything about someone in a 20-30 minute interview, so make sure you’ve covered the important things and gotten a taste of their character and temperament.

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